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    What is a Geriatrician?

    What is a Geriatrician? By:  Dr. Ariel Cole, M.D. Medical Director, Encore At Avalon Park I read a study recently- they asked random people in a public place to define the word “geriatrician”.  The funniest answer to me was “someone who works at Ben and Jerry’s”!  Much as I love Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, I’d still rather do what I do as a geriatrician- a physician who specializes in the care of older adults. A geriatrician is a board certified specialist- which means that just like a cardiologist or pulmonologist, a geriatrician does extra training after residency (called a fellowship) and passes an exam. Why is it important for…

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    Alphabet Soup of Senior Living

    Alphabet Soup of Senior Living By:  Brenda Lecco Marketing Director, Encore at Avalon Park When we are young, buying our first home, we choose a home that will be a nice place to raise a family. We think about school districts, floor plans, resale value and where we are going to put the pool. We do not think about the feasibility of growing old in that home.  Many seniors find that the home that offered a lot of space for raising children and entertaining grandchildren has become too much for them to care for as they age- especially the upstairs and the lawn.  For the majority of seniors, health and…

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