
Yoga for Seniors: The Benefits

Yoga for seniors
Photo via Pixabay by Pexels

Many seniors find that they need a more gentle form of exercise after reaching a certain age, one that still keeps joints, muscles, and bones healthy and strong. It can be difficult to find a good routine that offers everything you need while also benefiting your mental health, but yoga is a great start.

Many seniors shy away from yoga because they’re intimidated by the poses. While some advanced yoga involves poses that can be tricky, the process itself is wonderful for keeping you limber and ensuring that your joints are healthy and your balance stays on point, something that is incredibly important for seniors. Not only that, it’s the type of workout that can be done alone but is encouraged in group classes, which will keep you social.

Yoga and meditation are often utilized together, which can help relieve stress and anxiety as you learn to focus on the present. Practicing mindfulness can help boost your mood and can keep you mentally healthy while you keep your body strong. Keep reading for more on how yoga can be beneficial for seniors.

Adapt It to Your Needs

Yoga is one of a handful of exercises that can be adapted to your specific needs. If you have mobility issues, it can be very difficult to find a routine that will keep you safe while still affording you all the benefits of a workout. Since yoga can be done almost anywhere, you can do it in a chair or in the water so you won’t risk sitting in an uncomfortable position on the floor. You can even set up your own room in your home specifically for your yoga practice and meditation. Make sure you choose a space where you feel relaxed and won’t be disturbed.

Get Social

Many seniors with mobility or other health issues have trouble getting social. Yoga can assist in helping you get out and meet up with friends. Look for yoga classes in your area; your church may offer one. These are great classes to do with a friend or to meet new people. If you’re okay with exercising on the floor, invest in a comfortable yoga mat that will offer some padding.

Get In Some Daily Stretch

Stretching is great for your muscles, but it also eases pain, tenderness, and tension, especially in the neck, shoulders, and back. Yoga involves many different stretches that can be tailored to your needs, but be careful and take things slowly at first. It is possible to pull a muscle too far, and the last thing you want is an injury.

Banish Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety, stress, and depression are often linked to physical health issues in seniors, so it’s important to take care of your mental health. Banishing those feelings is never easy, but yoga is a great way to start. Because it’s a quiet exercise that allows you to focus on your breathing, it allows you to clear your mind, ease stress and anxiety, and, in turn, reduce your risk of health issues like stroke and heart attack. However, remember to talk to your doctor before starting any new regimen if you are suffering from heart problems or depression.

Starting a new workout routine can feel a little overwhelming at first, so it’s important to start slowly and communicate with your doctor. Remember to take care of yourself; if you start to feel sore or overly tired after a workout, stop and assess the situation. It’s always better to take things slowly than it is to over-exert yourself and risk injury. With a good workout plan and some help from your friends and loved ones, you can find a yoga routine that will keep you healthy for years to come.

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